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It’s as though there has been a ‘glitch in the matrix’ and we are living an alternative reality.

2020 has been an interesting year so far. And I feel an understatement, an ironic aside, is wholly appropriate, to begin with.

This year has upended all our concepts and expectations of normality. We are now faced with a ‘new normal’ with some accepting it and others fighting against it. And we haven’t even reached the halfway point of the year yet.

From my perspective in Britain, the dark shadow of the looming and insane Brexit was all that was really on people’s minds as we entered the New Year with December 2020 being the date when the ‘shackles and yoke of EU control’ were to be finally removed!

Then early in the New Year, the media began widely reporting an illness, a flu-type illness, that had taken hold in China, Wuhan Province. I certainly paid little attention; we’d had SARS, Swine Flu, neither of which really impacted our lives in the West. 

Who could have seen that within just over a month, our ‘normal’ would be shattered as this illness, Covid-19, spread westward leading to it being declared a pandemic and countries shutting down?

We found ourselves shuttered in our homes, transport suspended or severely curtailed, travel for non-essential reasons banned, many people’s jobs in limbo under furlough, businesses closed, schools closed, shops closed apart from the few essential ones, a health service on a war footing, people unable to meet friends, family separated, a horrendous death toll rising daily and governments, our Government in particular, imposing restrictions on our freedoms unprecedented even in wartime. 

There were those who denied it, those who argued it was necessary and essential and those who ignored it.

But it was indeed a ‘new normal’ and it is going to be thus for the foreseeable immediate future.

Now here we are as we approach the half-way point of the year, the draconian [but in my view, necessary] restrictions of the lockdown are slowly being lifted: non-essential shops in England are reopening, the restrictions on movement are being eased, we can meet with a select family members and friends.

Life is slowly returning to a semblance of normality but it is a very different normal: face masks, once seen by most as a slightly amusing quirk now quite normal and expected. Queues are everywhere, always ensuring social distancing is observed.

1920 ad – Spanish Flu Pandemic

It’s as though there has been a ‘glitch in the matrix’ and we are living an alternative reality.

We’ve had wars fought for cynical not ideological reasons like the Gulf War, Trump and the rise of the right again – the right never really went away, they just hid in the shadows – the appalling murder of George Floyd in America sparking riots, protests and counter protests across the globe, and not forgetting Brexit. 

Some might say it’s all proof of a global conspiracy by the Deep State/The Illuminati, to finally eradicate democracy and enslave the populations of the world and that it’s been happening for years: the 100 year cycle of pandemics for example.

So is this indeed the Deep State/The Illuminati Long Game coming to fruition?